Self Help UK

Keeley with Mayor of Nottingham at a promotional event

Image: Keeley with Mayor of Nottingham at a promotional event

Early Diagnosis Project

The Early Diagnosis project promoted awareness of the Bowel Cancer Screening programme and the importance of completing the screening kits sent to all individuals between the ages of 60-74 across Nottingham City.

The project particularly focussed on the St Ann’s, Sneinton and Bulwell areas of Nottingham, as the evidence has shown that these are localities with low uptake of the screening kits. We directly engaged with local communities, explaining the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer, the benefits of early diagnosis and the process for completing the screening kits.

The project secured additional funding through the CCG to purchase an inflatable colon that has been used across the city at promotional events. The colon is a walkthrough, interactive device that displays relevant facts about bowel cancer and helps to initiate discussion around a potentially difficult subject. The project also utilised information from various national charities such as Macmillan, Bowel Cancer UK and Beating Bowel Cancer to provide further information.


The project was successful – for details see Final report