Self Help UK

Our networks

SHUK supports a wide range of self help groups from setting up a group to providing training for established groups.  For more information about our services, please see Training for groups

East Midlands Academic Health Science Network

EMAHSN brings together the NHS, universities, industry, third sector, patients and social care to transform the health of the East Midlands residents and stimulate wealth creation. This is achieved through promoting health equality and best practice.

  • Speeding up the spread and adoption of innovation into practice
  • Building a culture of partnership and collaboration
  • Putting patients and the public at the heart of everything we do
  • Working with industry to promote the adoption and spread of proven products and services.

EMAHSN is one of 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) nationally.

Healthwatch Nottingham

An independent organisation making sure your views on health and social care services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are heard. Sarah Collis, SHUK was involved in setting up Healthwatch and is now Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Healthwatch gives people a powerful voice locally and nationally. At a local level, Healthwatch works to help local people get the best out of their local health and social care services – whether it is improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow.

Nottingham Communications Group (NCG)

This group set up in June 2017 for communications for professionals and people with the responsibility of communications and marketing  or fundraising for their organisation.  NCG is specifically for people working in the charity, voluntary, community or social enterprise sector in Nottingham.

The aims of the group are:

  • Networking/ meeting with peers
  • Share resources/ideas/best practice/tips
  • Training, e.g. WordPress, e-comms, video, press coverage
  • Social media, digital analytics
  • Joint messages/campaigns
  • Face-to-face support
  • Invite speakers, e.g. Nottingham Post, Digital Marketing experts
  • Raising the profile of our work, collectively and individually
  • Building a joint events calendar

Clare, our Insight manager at SHUK, is actively involved with this group.   Aimi, who co-ordinates the group, has set up a group on LinkedIn to continue networking between meetings.  This platform is used to post campaigns and events.

Nottingham LION (Nottingham City)

Lion is an online service directory designed to help people find information about a whole range of organisations and services in Nottingham.  SHUK works with Nottingham LION to promote self help groups that run in the Nottingham City area on this website. 

Please contact us if you would like to promote your self help group

The LION website is compatible with smart phones and tablets, so you can find information when you are on the move.  There is an option to give feedback on the services through “Rate and Review”, where you can recommend providers to others or make suggestions to improve services further.

Nottingham Trent University (NTU) Research Team

SHUK is currently working with the NTU Research team to develop a research into what makes self help groups sustainable.

Health Information Forum (HIF)

HIF a countywide networking forum for those involved in the provision of health information, bringing together the partner agencies from the statutory and voluntary sectors, including NHS and public libraries. SHUK is part of this group.

Macmillan Cancer Partnership in Nottinghamshire

The Macmillan Cancer Partnership in Nottinghamshire is a £3.5 million cancer improvement programme working to transform cancer services across the county.  It aims to address the growing number of people surviving and living with and beyond a cancer diagnosis.

Self Help UK has been involved in the Macmillan Cancer Partnership in Nottinghamshire since it began and has contributed significantly to its development as all our paid staff working on cancer projects have participated in events and meetings at different times including presenting and running workshops.

People affected by cancer are a significant part of this group, also working alongside Macmillan include Nottingham City CCG, Newark and Sherwood CCG, Mansfield and Ashfield CCG, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Nottingham CityCare, Boots UK, Self Help UK and Notts County FC Football in the Community.


Notts Help Yourself (Nottinghamshire County)

The Nottinghamshire Help Yourself site is a partnership between health, the voluntary sector and Nottinghamshire County Council to bring information and advice together in one central place - so people can find the information they need easily.  SHUK provides information about self help groups that run in Nottinghamshire County area (Broxtowe/Gedling/Rushcliffe/Mansfield & Ashfield/Newark & Sherwood) on this website. 

Please contact us if you would like to promote your self help group

Search is by keyword and location.  You can also search by category e.g. Health and self-care, self help groups.

Accessibility options give you the choice to change the look of the pages, to translate them or to listen to the content through browsealoud software.

Nottinghamshire Together – State of the Sector Research 2015

Nottinghamshire County Council in partnership with the local voluntary and community sector commissioned an important piece of independent research into the state of the sector in the county. SHUK was one of the key organisations, which contributed to this project.

The research was undertaken by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University.  Members of the Nottinghamshire Voluntary Sector Liaison Group developed and administered the survey and facilitated the qualitative elements of the project.

The completed study, which included a questionnaire, focus groups and stakeholder interviews, provides a unique snapshot of the sector in 2015 and provides all stakeholders with a baseline to support the development of a joint programme of work to support communities.

For more information download:

Final report [PDF]
Summary report [PDF]

Self Help European Experts Meeting

Self Help UK had the honour of hosting the 14th European Experts Meeting on Self Help in September 2017 in Nottingham. Countries participating were Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and UK. This year’s theme was equality, diversity and inclusion in self help. Good practice was shared and each country gave a presentation. 

Speakers included:

Professor Alf Collins
Clinical Director for Personalised Care/NHS England

David Pearson CBE
Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Lead/Nottingham and Nottinghamshire