Families Need Fathers, Nottingham

Both Parents Matter is the leading UK charity supporting dads, mums and grandparents to have personal contact and meaningful relationships with their children following parental separation.



We are an affiliate branch of the UK’s leading shared parenting charity, Both Parents Matter (formerly Families Need Fathers).

We provide help, advice and support for those that are dealing with children’s matters before, during and after relationship breakdown. All are welcome – be they mothers, fathers or grandparents.

There is no cost for attending our meetings although we encourage everyone to make a donation towards running costs. We also request visitors to consider becoming members of FNF to help our organisation to keep going in especially difficult times for all.

Other information

Both Parents Matter (formerly Families Need Fathers) website: https://bothparentsmatter.org.uk/

Opening times

Online from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Monday of every month (except Bank Holidays).

If you wish to attend the online meeting please contact us.

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