Wollaton Twins and Multiple Births Group
A group where parents/carers of multiple birth children can chat, share experiences of life with multiples and the kids can play.
Who is this service for?
For parents or carers and their multiple birth children and siblings in Nottinghamshire.
Contact Details
Who to contact:
Contact Name: Sarah/Kirsty
wollaton@nottinghamtwins.org.uk Sarah Williamson/Kirsty Offord-Hall
Website : www.nottinghamtwins.org.uk
Other information
We meet the second Monday of the month (excluding Bank Holidays) 10-11.30am at St. Leonard's Community Centre, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2ND. Cost: £2 per family for NTTC members or £3 for non-members, which includes refreshments. Our group operates under the umbrella organisation of Nottingham Twins.