Self Help UK

Stroke Club, Mansfield and District

A self help group offering support as well as day trips and holidays. Also arrange social events, as well as having games, quizzes and professional speakers at some meetings.

Who is this service for?
For people who have had a stroke and their carers, in Mansfield, Ashfield and north Nottinghamshire.

Contact Details

Who to contact:
01623 629 612, Betty Flintham, daytime and evenings
0303 303 3100, The Stroke Association Helpline, Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm

Website (UK) :

Other information

Meetings: Monthly on the last Monday of every month (except on Bank Holidays, then they take place a week earlier) at Stanhope Centre, Rock Valley, Mansfield, NG18 1AL.


Level Access, Induction Hearing Loop, Wheelchair Access, Disabled Toilet.

Level Access Induction loop Wheelchair access Accessible Toilet