Self Help UK

Afro-Caribbean Women’s Group (Men Welcome)

Afro-Caribbean club, exercise, lunch and craft activities for retired people. Everybody welcome.

Who is this service for?
African-Caribbean retired people, based in the Meadows primarily, but everyone welcome.

Contact Details

Who to contact:
Contact Name: Claudina Morris
Contact Self Help UK - 0115 911 1661 - for group contact details

Other information

The group meets from 11.00am to 3.00pm every Thursday at the Meadows Community Centre, Queen's Walk Social Club, The Meadows NG2 2DF. The group has exercise in the morning, then lunch and, finances permitting, will do crafts in the afternoon. There is a £4.35 charge for lunch and £1.00 charge for a savings club that contributes to a birthday card for each member, a bouquet of flowers if you are sick, and day trips.


Ramp Access, Wheelchair Access, Disabled Toilet.

Ramp Access Wheelchair access Accessible Toilet